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How to write your cover letter.

Nury Crawford

It's about midway through the month and I wanted to share some updates!

First of all, I am personally elated that we will release my very first YA book at the end of this month! Many readers have already bought their copy (available in English and Spanish). Everyone who purchases their copy via our website will receive a signed copy + a book-themed bookmark. Marisol is the story of a Latina youth, just living her life in what many times seems to be within two worlds. She is growing up and added responsibilities can sometimes seem overwhelming. She also seems to start noticing how other people react to her, whether they know her or not. What is this? Why does this happen? Get to know Marisol and find out how she solves those everyday challenges.

We would love to have you join Duane Carlos as he presents for the Gwinnett Public Library System on February 13!

Last but not least, we have some easy tips on writing your cover letter! Yes! It's that time of year. We will soon be accepting YOUR manuscript! March 1 - August 1 every calendar year. Listen to our video blog for the tips.


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