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Nury Crawford

As we inch closer to mid-year...

Yes friends- May is here!

I don't know about you, but for me it's here waaaay too soon. I literally remember saying Happy New Year what seems like last week. There are lots of reasons the days and weeks have become somewhat of a blur to me. You see the publishing business really is not glitter and glamour - at all. While March 1 crept up on us to open our manuscript submission window, we still have three books to release this year. No matter how prepared one is, there's always an unexpected hurdle to consider. I've learned in our short three years of operation to breathe and let the chips fall where they may. It's not always that easy since we are working with people who happen to be writers, who happen to put all their faith, love and commitment to their literary work. Since we knew we were amidst the pandemic we made a few changes:

  1. We did not set firm launch dates for 2021. Normally we set them 4-6 months in advance. We always have a month (window) but as the date gets closer as in 4-6 months, we set an actual launch date. This helps the author organize a launch party whether at home, renting a location, coordinating with their public library or a bookstore. This year we set the month and we are allowing challenges such as shipping, printing, etc. to guide us on the actual date.

  2. We are looking to support our authors a little more in the marketing arena. You see publishers are not marketing firms. Those are two different entities. Many authors, regardless of how many times you tell them do not fully comprehend that (or maybe they're just in denial). The reason you hear about some authors, although traditional large publishing house accept 5,0000-7,000 manuscripts per year is because those authors already have a public presence. That's why it is important that you have one too. Social media has definitely helped readers in this area.

Our submission window ends on August 1. I'm happy to report this year we have received more novels and I like that. We started small and published some children's books, one YA novel and two other educational genre books for we are serioiusly promoting our need for more novels. Hopefully at least one will meet the paramenters set by our press and we will see one published.

Do you see the picture of the manuscripts? Well just in one week we recevied anywhere from 10 to 30 manuscripts. I get to review the children's genre ones after it survives the slush pile. Please remember to send you cover letter and have an editor review it prior to submitting. Those are the two biggest reasons a manuscript does not survive the initial steps.

Also- do you know a teacher? Of course you do who doesn't ? We have about 3.6 million of them in our country. Well this month we celebrate teachers, to be precise May 3-May 7. We want to celebrate them and are having a SALE! Buy 2 Get 1 FREE... coupon code is teacher21. Help us share!

Until next time- enjoy the May weather and take care-



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