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We are LOOKING for YOU!

Oh my gosh! I cannot believe we are already about 1/4 into 2019!! Where and how does the this happen so fast?!?

So number one on the list... WELCOME TO Victoria Chen!!! Our newest author, I am personally excited to have her on board. Talking about new authors, don't forget that we are currently accepting manuscripts, our submission window is always March 1- August 1. I say always, but if you've been following us you already know we are barely one year old.

Shout out to the Gwinnett County Public Libraries. It's such an amazing system...supports the community, authors, and just overall the success of everyone that lives in Gwinnett and really just Georgia.

My second book was released in March. I just want to say how humbled and thankful I am about the amount of support we have received. This book, PLANT THE SEEDS WELL...EXPECT WONDERS, means a lot to me. Through all of the years I have worked in education, I have learned time and time again that parents just LOVE their kids. They might not love them like you love them, but they do love them. So this book just shares easy tips, do-able, relevant tips that can be implemented to support their kids. It also shares some quick background knowledge information that supports parents. If you know of an organization that supports adoptive parents, or foster parents or new parents... even teen moms- we would love to support get a book club started. Nury can skype in or if you're in the Metro Atlanta area, we can try to do a live visit. The book is also available in Spanish: "SIEMBRA LA SEMILLA BIEN...COSECHA MARAVILLAS"

June is less than three months away. Lynn Shebat's book Connections: A Journey of Love and Austim Conextiones: Un Viaje de Amor y Autismo will be released in June. A book by a life-long advocate and educator. A great addition to your resource library. Connect with Lynn on social media platforms. We love you Lynn and we know this will be a great resource and support to the community.

What's next? Well Nury will be at the Bronx Book Fair, so if you're in the Bronx- stop by!

We wish all educators and the kids a great last school quarter. Hang in there! Grab a book! Read and relax!

Email us any questions and connect with us on social media too! if you want to be a beta reader or you have manuscript submission questions. Check out our Services tab for instructions on how to submit. No literary agent required.

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