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Who knows an adult who migrated to the USA as a child?

Hey guys!!!! Sorry I'm SUPER late on this post. School Life has had me a little, itsy, bitsy busy. It's that time of year and if you too are an educator you know exactly what I mean! It's bitter sweet right?

Okay so guess what? As summer creeps along closer and closer each day, I am planning my summer. So here it is...I am looking for some immigrants, whether from Jamaica, Haiti, DR, Nigerai, Saudi, Thailand, Colombia, etc. It matters not ... I really would LOVE to interview at least 5 people from 5 different countries. If you know someone or you are that immigrant then let's connect! or 470-440-0018...give me a call if that's easier.

Today I shared some writing advice that I give myself and those I really love...which is that nobody, and I mean nobody can tell your story better than you. So if you're a novice writer or you're looking forward to writing a book or even a blog, start with your story. Furthermore, write each day, whether it's for 10 minutes or 100 minutes per day. Keep a journal, jot down ideas and thoughts. Keep it to yourself, it's your thoughts so they're private. Continue reading...why? Reading & Writing go together, like milk & cookies and PB&J.

I'm working on a piece for an online magazine in South Florida. I'll keep you posted.... until then have an amazing week and weekend!!!

Love- Nury

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