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Nury Crawford

Here we go!!!

Check out our monthly video blog!

We are finally done reviewing all manuscripts submitted during our annual submission window, March 1 -August 1. Phew! That was a lot of work and sincerely I don't think my staff likes me anymore. It is SUPER hard to pick just 3-5 pieces of writing from all of the submissions. Don't get me wrong, we are blessed to have increased the interest these past years, but it just gets challenging. I don't know how huge publishing houses do this...they receive anywhere from 5-7 THOUSAND per year!!!! We received a little over one thousand this year. The good (and bad) part is that many writers are still on their journey in learning how to submit a manuscript. I would say, that one of the most important variables is to read the instructions carefully and follow them. Each press is a little different so making sure you follow through is very important. Second I would note that when you are submitting a manuscript, it doesn't have to be perfect, but it does need to reflect the time you've put into it to get it ready. Hiring a copy editor is a good idea.

We have accepted and have all agreements in place (contracts). We are ready and have begun the process for our new 1010 authors. We would love to secure a French translator for one of our upcoming children's books. Do you know one? Get in contact with us via Facebook or Twitter or send us an email at

This month's tips are: a)Sound like yourself, b)Find your own voice, c)Tell stories only you can tell, 4)Compare your success to no one else's. The theme here is YOU. In life, just like in publishing you get what you put into it. You have to engage and you have to put in a lot of time to make sure more and more people not only know about your book(s), but also you. People like to feel connected and as a new author, you have to share with others your why and connect with them so they will find reading something you've written worthwhile. Once you have them in your "family of readers", then you can continue to grow your audience. Listen to the video blog for more...

Take care and until next time--- Nury Castillo Crawford, CEO/ Founder of 1010 Publshing


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