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2 WeEkS UnTiL ThE PuBliShInG PARTY!!!

Nury Crawford

Phew! I guess I made another Thanksgiving... ha ha ha!! Yeah I told everyone who text me, "pace yourself"..."you don't need to pass out after the first plate..." Yeah well I didn't listen. First of all, I was exhausted after cooking everything. I felt like I prepped all week long, in reality I think it was only 3 days. I did find an awesome green bean crock pot recipe with smoked turkey necks. Usually the green bean dish is left there like "blah". Most people eat it to pretend they're being good and eating something healthy (or maybe that's just me). Anyway, it was gone FAST! I liked it and I will be making some more soon enough.

So I said I was going to do at least one video per week, so true to my word (where's the angel emoji when you need it??), I did another one.

So could you PLEASE share this blog and my YouTube video link?

Today I'd like to say I'm thankful for Monica Garcia. Such a sweet, loving, genuine soul. Thank you for your encouragement and support through this journey!

I also shout out Demitrius on this video...I know it seems like I always shout him out, but when you see all of the illustrations, you're going to see why.

Pre-orders are ready!!! YUP! You read correctly. You can pre-order using your PayPal account (working on the other forms of payment this week.)

If you want a special message, you have to let me know. If you want your book at the publishing party on Dec. 9, just note that too. Otherwise we can make arrangements to ship or meet. I'm good with both.

Last but not least, s/o to The Conversation podcast and Michael & Joi in the Morning podcast. Such supporting and fun shows!!!

Thank you and much love- for all of the support you have given me so far.

Love- Nury

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